Faculty Members
Faculty Members
U Aung Chit Khin
Founder/ President
Strategy First Education Group
MBA (Nottingham)
Prof. Dr. U Sein Min
Vice President (Academic)
Vice President (Acedemic), B.Com (Hons), M.Com (YIE), Ph.D Marketing (Passau, Germany)
Dr. Daw Ni Lar Win
Deputy Vice-President, Principal (Global Pathways International School)
BE (Civil), Rangoon Institute of Technology, P.G. Dip (Hydrology), Free University Brussels, Belgium, M.Sc (Hydrology, Free University Brussels, Belgium), Ph.D (Free University Brussels, Belgium), PGCHE (University of Nottingham, UK)
Prof. Dr. U Thaung Lwin
B.A, LL.B, LL.M, Ph.D (Yangon University), CAFD (Lafayette College, USA)
Prof. Dr. Daw Aye Thu Htun
B.Com (Hons), M.Com, Ph.D (Economics, YUE),Diploma in English
Prof. Dr. Daw Hla Myint
B.Com (Hons, YIE), M.Com, D.Litt (YIE)
Prof. Dr. Daw Nu Nu Lwin
B.Com (Hons, YIE), M.Com, Ph.D (Economics, YIE), M.Sc (ICP) (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan), D.C.Sc (Yangon University of Computer Studies)
Prof. Dr. U Aung Tun Thet
B.Com (YUE), M.Sc Operations Research (University of Warwick), Ph.D Management Sciences (University of Manchester), Post-doctoral Fellow (University of Marburg), Postgraduate Diploma in Management Sciences (Brighton)
Prof. Dr. Tin Tin Nwe
Diploma in Tourism Studies & Management (Yangon University), Diploma in Chinese (YUFL),Ph.D (Oriental Studies, Yangon University)
Capt. U Aung Khin Myint
Senior Lecturer
EMBA (YIE), Diploma in Shipping and Port Management, Diploma in Management and Administration, Diploma in Multimodal Transport, Diploma in Maritime Law, Chairman, Myanmar International Freight Forwarders Association